March 03, 2003

Turncoat? Traitor? or just daft?

This is going to stir up a PANacea of PANtastic proportions.
I am travelling about a 1000 miles a week on average on my Pan. I have decided that maybe the time has come for me to have just a little more comfort. I'll say the next bit quietly.................
Today I was offered a GL1500 SE Goldwing Aspencade with 1900 miles on the clock for �9000. I had to take it out - didn't I?
What a machine!
I have deferred purchase until I come back from Malta - but I am very tempted.
I realise that purchasing this would bar me from contributing to this site and incur howls of derision from the rest of you.
My Pan has been fantastic for the work I do - so come on - talk me out of it or tell me to buy it and never set foot on your site again.

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